10 Tips for Creating Quick and Effective Mobile Employee Engagement Surveys
A survey that measures employee engagement can be challenging to design. There’s more to an employee engagement survey than creating some questions and asking your employees to respond; creating a survey that brings value to your company requires a detailed plan, just like any other initiative you’re launching, and that takes time and effort.
You should begin by focusing on the final goal, just as you would with any other endeavor. A good employee engagement survey should help your business identify and build upon its strengths so that you can get a competitive edge. Encouraging your employees to take engagement surveys could be one of the most significant changes you make for your business. Studies show that businesses that have engaged employees perform 202 percent better than those that don’t.
What does Employee Engagement Mean?
Employee engagement is how an employee thinks, feels, and acts to help an organization achieve its objectives. Therefore, an employee engagement survey provides data that measures the engagement of your employees. The data can give you insights into how you can improve engagement levels. The goal of an employee engagement survey is to get information into what drives/hinders engagement in your company.
Factors that Impact Engagement
You can measure employee engagement based on these factors:
- Desire to remain: The probability that employees will still be with you in the next few years
- Work engagement: How employees contribute, both emotionally and psychologically to their tasks
- Efforts: The amount of effort that employees are willing to put into their daily duties
- Pride in the business: The degree of pride that employees have working for you
- Willingness to recommend your business: How likely employees are to recommend your company All items listed above provide a score that, when used together, provides, a general metric of employee engagement.
Designing an Employee Engagement Survey
To get the best out of your employee engagement survey, ensure that the structure of your survey is simple and natural. Your employees should understand how to answer the questions. Before you get started, you should also:
- Consider the inputs you need to include
- Set clear deadlines from the beginning
- Ensure that participants will meet your timeframe
- Differentiating ‘nice to have’ questions from ‘must have’ questions
- Avoid setting up a committee to design your survey
Tips for Drafting Great Employee Survey Questions
1. Design surveys that are mobile-centric
Nowadays, people spend a lot of time on their mobile devices. It is estimated that an average adult in the US spends as much as three hours daily on their mobile device. This shows that the number of mobile responses constantly increases. A mobile-centric survey is specifically created to fit the screen of a mobile phone or a tablet and makes it easier for respondents to use touchscreen gestures to respond to the questions. Some features of a great mobile-centric survey include:
- Larger texts
- Easy-to-click answers
- Absence of big logos that take up most of the screen space
- Full-screen options to prevent distractions from other apps
2. Determine where to begin
Create a baseline to help you record the progress and success of your future employee engagement policies. This includes asking your employees to provide honest feedback on how things are currently going in your company. Although it might appear uncomfortable to ask for potential criticism, doing so will create an open line of communication and help you have a better company culture.
3. Know where you presently stand
You need to understand where you currently stand in terms of employee engagement. You can do so by getting feedback from your employees by asking them some questions, like:
- How engaged are you?
- What would you change about your job?
- Would you switch jobs for higher pay? These questions might not give you concrete results immediately, but it’s a good place to start. By gathering such data, you’ll be able to determine the general sentiments of your workers and use that information to set precise objectives.
4. Describe all the details
You should be open and honest with your employees from the beginning. This will help you gather better information in the end. Ensure that they understand the what, when, why, and how of the survey process. A lack of proper information could create mistrust, and that’s not the environment you want before conducting an employee engagement survey.
5. Consider the culture of your company
Remember the things that have been critical to your success. If you intend to use a survey template and come across some questions that aren’t useful to your business, feel free to rewrite them so they become relevant. Your organization is unique; your survey questions should, therefore, reflect that.
6. Avoid having exit meetings; have ‘stay’ meetings rather
Instead of farewelling employees that are disengaged and have decided to leave, have ‘stay’ meetings before saying goodbye. In most instances, companies meet with employees after they’ve announced their intention to jump ship. Before it gets to this, have ‘stay’ meetings to reduce the need for ‘exit’ meetings. Stay meetings will help you to regularly measure the job satisfaction and engagement of your employees.
7. Remember that money doesn’t create meaning
When you want to appreciate your employees, don’t assume that money creates meaning. Your employees will feel more valued if you invest in developing their talents. Have an enjoyable work environment that prioritizes the development of skills. This will let your employees know that you care and value them.
8. Designing the survey
As you design the survey, use the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid). A survey that is complicated or unnecessarily long will be daunting to employees. Create a survey that doesn’t take more than 15 minutes to complete. Also, include open-ended and close-ended questions so you can gather both qualitative and quantitative data.
9. Disclose the results of the survey
It is important to be transparent when carrying out an employee engagement survey. After you’ve analyzed the result, share them with your employees. It is best to do this in smaller meetings where the departmental leaders share the results with their direct reports.
10. Take action
Now that you’ve gotten your data, you need to begin making positive changes. Compare your results to your set goals to see how you can improve the engagement levels of your business. From that point, strategize and put programs in place to attain those goals.
Bottom Line
For many businesses, keeping staff engaged is an ongoing effort. If your employees are disconnected and are not engaged with their daily duties, it’ll be difficult for potential customers to get excited about your business.
For more posts, visit www.popprobe.com/blog
- https://www.huffpost.com/entry/10-reasons-employee-engagement-matters_b_599d8e69e4b0b87d38cbe673
- https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/how-and-why-to-create-mobile-centric-surveys/
- https://resources.careerbuilder.com/human-capital-management/create-an-effective-employee-engagement-survey
- https://www.tinypulse.com/blog/sk-employee-engagement-survey-questions
- https://techcrunch.com/gallery/internet-trends-2017/slide/4/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABcpwlqdG3Avkffz_WNtotp_gXYVNz-ZqBFqcGQ5RWjBVMOTQVOj20UtdKuxkud6wJMx4-HgqOKciTj4p–QNjDfKqlc0_NfiRar-zLqINmALTsxt4ViwLppleCPk3TJBdUnKXvix_jILMGf1iHDaruGVaUlRQCTH1FBueO_gsbT