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How POPProbe can Resolve Store Manager Problems?

Story & Scenario in Words:

Store Manager: I’m at my wit’s end.

POPProbe: What happened? Can I help?

POPProbe To Retail Rescue – Chapter 1: Pain of a Store Manager

Store Manager Venting Out Frustration Store Manager: I have to take care of opening and closing the store so it’s available for shoppers.

Store Manager: I have to ensure my team is present on time, updated on targets. Also, have to discuss issues & problems they are facing.

Store Manager: I have to perform audits to check if shelves and SKUs are placed as per planogram. As well as pricing and promotional compliance

Store Manager: I have to update all of this information on multiple checklists and then again update it on my computer to send it to the regional center.

Store Manager: This is just a part of my day! It’s just getting started.

POPProbe: I see, that’s a lot of work.

Banner: “Training New Product Launch & Change in Policies”

Store Manager: I also have to coordinate with the LMS team of the head office and ensure my store staff is trained. I should also train them sometimes. But most of the time they don’t attend or complete their assignments or apply them in real-time.

POPProbe: I understand.

Area Manager Enters

Banner: ₹Target₹ 15 Lakhs per Quarter

Area Manager: Hey, what’s happening? Why haven’t you met the target?

Store Manager: If I don’t achieve it, I have to face the brunt from my boss! I spend more than 6 Hours doing mundane activities. He doesn’t understand this.

POPProbe: No Worries! I am POPProbe, I can fix this situation.

Store Manager: HOW???

POPProbe Resolves Store Manager Problems

POPProbe: Here’s the thing! By doing so many mundane activities you’re wasting time. Then how will you get time to converse with your shoppers and improve sales?

Area Manager: Excuse me! They are not mundane activities. That is important information through which we analyze store performance, staff performance and also make decisions.

POPProbe: Of course! I get it. That’s where I can help. Through my application. Let me explain.

Checklists Done Fasters

POPProbe: Look, Checklists eat away the time of your manager. The most important ability that POPProbe gives is to manage all the checklists through your phone.

Area Manager: Ok, what can it do?

POPProbe: To start with the basics, the opening & closing of the store can automatically be updated.

POPProbe: Checklists related to Inventory Management can be completed in seconds.

POPProbe: And all these checklists can be easily validated as images of the said checklist should be taken and uploaded. And all images will be GPS encoded. So they cannot fool the management.

Area Manager: Oh! Ok.

POPProbe: Staff can no longer complain of miscommunication or non-assignment of tasks. The app lets the manager assign tasks to her team from anywhere as well as communicate with them through the chat option.

Area Manager: Got it!

Learning Management System

POPProbe: Your trainer does not have to travel to the store to train, assess and certify on any new chapters. It can all be done remotely. And your manager, as well as staff, will have no other option but to complete it on time.

Area Manager: Oh that’s nice!

Store Manager Reporting Issues

POPProbe: Your manager can immediately report issues. It can be product replenishment, supply chain hassle or even a malfunction at the store. You will get notified immediately

Area Manager: Hmmm… Alright!

Retail Operations Automated & Faster

POPProbe: Now that your daily operations are mobilized and automated, your store manager and her staff can concentrate on selling and interacting with customers.

Some Stats!

3X faster completion of checklists

50% increase in Training Efficiency

33% increase in customer engagement

Area Manager: Great! Got a question.

POPProbe: What’s that?

There’s More to POPProbe

Store Manager (Exclaims): Wow, Finally! My life’s going to get easier!

Area Manager (Exclaims): Hold your horses, please!

Area Manager: All this is good. It helps the store manager. But what about us the management team? How do we monitor all this?

POPProbe: Oh didn’t I tell you? There’s more to POPProbe application. Like reports, BI dashboard, admin access and more. But that’s for another chapter, I got another important thing to deal with now!

Area Manager: Seriously! What’s that?

POPProbe Assures Faster Retail Operations

POPProbe: Let me take you guys Home! With me and my application, you don’t have to stay at the store or corporate office for a longer time.

Area Manager: I am beginning to like this guy actually!

Then Realizes: Ahhhh! Put me down, you crazy guy!

Chapter 2 Awaits!